Shared leadership regulates operational team performance in the presence of extreme decisional consensus/conflict : evidences from business process reengineering
2019 |
Bruccoleri, Manfredi |
The impact of quality perception and consumer valuation change on manufacturer's optimal warranty, pricing, and market coverage strategies
2019 |
Li, Kunpeng |
Design of contracts and workflows for knowledge intensive IT service environments
2019 |
Dong, Su |
Joint fundraising appeals : allocation rules and conditions that encourage aid agencies' collaboration
2019 |
Toyasaki, Fuminori |
Governance and resource-sharing ambidexterity for generating relationship benefits in supply chain collaborations
2019 |
Im, Ghiyoung |
Behavioral contract design under asymmetric forecast information
2019 |
Johnsen, Lennart Christian |
Estimating promotion effects using big data : a partially profiled LASSO model with endogeneity correction
2019 |
Sun, Luping |
Modeling (and learning from) inventory inaccuracies in e-retailing/B2B contexts
2019 |
Rekik, Yacine |
Historical supplier performance and strategic relationship dissolution : unintentional but serious supplier error as a moderator
2019 |
Chen, Yi-Su |
Approaches for locating and staffing FEMA's disaster recovery centers
2019 |
Moline, Julia |
Incorporating order‐fulfillment flexibility in automotive supply chain through vehicle trades
2019 |
Ishfaq, Rafay |
"Like poles repel while unlike poles attract" : contextual performance effects of supply base R&D, focal firm R&D, and commercialization
2019 |
Pathak, Surya |
A joint optimal model of pricing, rebate value, and redemption hassle
2019 |
Zhang, Zelin |
Asymmetric pricing and replenishment controls for substitutable products
2019 |
Ceryan, Oben |
Supply chain contracts and inventory shrinkage : an empirical analysis in the grocery retailing industry
2019 |
Choi, Min |
How to find the right supply chain strategy? : an analysis of contingency variables
2019 |
Falkenhausen, Christian von |
The patient patient : the performance of traditional versus open-access scheduling policies
2019 |
Cho, David |
A graph mining approach to identify financial reporting patterns : an empirical examination of industry classifications
2019 |
Yang, Steve Y. |
Absorbing knowledge from and with external partners : the role of social integration mechanisms
2019 |
Briel, Frederik von |
Inventory management and endogenous demand : investigating the role of customer referrals, defections, and product market failure
2019 |
Sokolinskiy, Oleg |