Development of a corpus and a treebank for present-day written Turkish
2004 |
Turkish indefinities and negative polarity items
2004 |
Kelepir, Meltem |
Right-hand topic
2004 |
Yükseker, Hitay |
Analyzing the language of classified advertising in Turkish
2004 |
Büyükkantarcıoğlu, Nalan |
Intonation : more than the salt and pepper of verbal interaction
2004 |
Çubukçu, Hatice |
Dilin işleyişi, "dil yanlışları" ve "dil kirlenmesi"
2004 |
Akaslan, Talat |
The experience of creation of the electronic corpus of the Shor texts
2004 |
Esipova, Alisa |
Patterns and restrictions in code copying
2004 |
Bulut, Christiane |
DPs in Turkish
2004 |
Öztürk Başaran, Balkız |
A constructional approach to the encoding of dynamic scenes in Turkish
2004 |
Vandewalle, Johan |
Turkish 'işte' as trace and signal of discourse structure
2004 |
Oktar, Lütfiye |
Bir tarama çalışması : -mı-nın sözcenin düzenlenişindeki rolü 3
2004 |
Alango, Başak |
My mum told me that it might be a verb : nouns and verbs in Turkish child-directed speech
2004 |
Ketrez, F. Nihan |
Beyin kanaması sonucu ortaya çıkan agrammatizmlerin incelenmesi
2004 |
Sadiyeva, Gülmira |
Constraints on morpheme repetition in Turkish?
2004 |
Haig, Geoffrey |
VO word order characteristics in Azerbaijanian, Balkan-Turkish, and Bulgarian-Gagauz
2004 |
Kuribayashi, Yuu |
The Turkish instrumental : relatively structural
2004 |
Lambert, Silke |
Sözlü Türkiye Türkçesinde kişi adıllarının tonlama açısından özellikleri
2004 |
Aydıner, Pola |
Duration properties of the Turkish phonemes
2004 |
Şayli, Ömer |
Adverbs and the scope of negation in Turkish : a case of scope narrowing
2004 |
Güven, Mine |