Mapping a green recovery
2021 |
Villiers, Elischke de |
Prosecute of protect? : international criminal responsibility and the recruitment of Isis Brides
2021 |
Greenfield, Nathalie M. |
The COVID-19 pandemic and international law
2021 |
Hathaway, Oona A. |
The intervention of constitutional courts in international investment law : the case of Colombia
2021 |
Linares Cantillo, Alejandro |
Vertical law and development
2021 |
Bùi-ngọc-Son |
Reconciling extraterritorial surveillance with international privacy rights : a modest framework
2021 |
Srivastava, Rahul |
Modern slavery in global supply chains : towards a legislative solution
2021 |
Hess, David |
Feminist approaches to the regulation of sex work : patterns in transnational governance feminist law making
2020 |
Shamir, Hila |
Data privacy and antitrust in comparative perspective
2020 |
Mehra, Salil |
Conflicts of international inheritance laws in the age of multinational lives
2020 |
Streisand, Adam F. |
The broken promise of "never again" : Myanmar's genocide analyzed under the U.N. Genocide Convention and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda's interpretetion of the convention
2020 |
Khan, Mahnoor |
Charming Betsy and the constitution
2020 |
Aviv Yeini, Shelly |
Constitutionalizing traveling feminisms in Kenya
2020 |
Kabira, Nkatha |
Comparing consent to cookies : a case for protecting non-use
2020 |
Jones, Meg Leta |
Combating censorship in China : forcing China's hand through the WTO and collective action
2020 |
Zhen, Simon K. |
Transitional justice cascades
2020 |
Mars̆avelski, Aleksander |
The diffusion of the sandbox approach to disruptive innovation and its limitations
2020 |
Tsai, Chan-Hsien |
Transnational feminism in the context of intimate partner violence in Ghana
2020 |
Bowman, Cynthia Grant |
A (feminist) farewell to arms : the impact of the peace process with the FARC-EP on Colombian feminism
2020 |
Céspedes-Báez, Lina M. |
Migrating marriage equality without feminism : Obergefell v. Hodges and the legalization of same-sex marriage in Taiwan
2020 |
Chen, Chao-ju |