Fiscal policy and income inequality : an overview
2015 |
Clements, Benedict J. |
Inequality and fiscal redistribution in advanced economies
2015 |
Coady, David P. |
Functional income distribution and its role in explaining inequality
2015 |
Francese, Maura |
The wealth of nations : stylized facts and options for taxation
2015 |
Eyraud, Luc |
Targeting and indirect tax design
2015 |
Keen, Michael |
Growing (un)equal : fiscal policy and income inequality in China and BRIC+
2015 |
Cevik, Serhan |
The quest for the holy grail : efficient and equitable fiscal consolidation in India
2015 |
Abdallah, Chadi |
Fiscal adjustment and income inequality in Brazilian states
2015 |
Azevedo, João Pedro |
The IMF and income distribution
2015 |
Clements, Benedict J. |
Taxing immovable property : revenue potential and implementation challenges
2015 |
Nørregaard, John |
Carbon tax burdens on low-income households : a reason for delaying climate policy?
2015 |
Parry, Ian W. H. |
The unequal benefits of fuel subsidies revisited : evidence for developing countries
2015 |
Coady, David P. |
The redistributive impact of government spending on education and health : evidence from thirteen developing countries in the commitment to equity project
2015 |
Lustig, Nora |
Income inequality, fiscal decentralization, and transfer dependency
2015 |
Hummel, Caroline-Antonia |
Poverty and distribution : thirty years ago and now
2015 |
Kanbur, Ravi |
Fiscal consolidation and inequality in advanced economies : how robust is the link?
2015 |
Furceri, Davide |
International corporate tax spillovers and redistributive policies in developing countries
2015 |
Mooij, Ruud A. de |
Equity considerations in the design of public pension systems
2015 |
Clements, Benedict J. |
Fiscal redistribution in developing countries : overview of policy issues and options
2015 |
Bastagli, Francesca |
Fiscal consolidation and income inequality
2015 |
Fabrizio, Stefania |