Ageing in film
2015 |
Swinnen, Aagje |
Popular music and ageing
2015 |
Jennings, Ros |
Visual methods in ageing research
2015 |
Martin, Wendy |
Ethnographies of ageing
2015 |
Degnen, Cathrine |
Gender, ageing and appearance
2015 |
Clarke, Laura Hurd |
Gender : implications of a contested area
2015 |
Hearn, Jeff |
Sex, sexuality and later life
2015 |
Sandberg, Linn |
Retirement. Evolution, revolution or retrenchment
2015 |
Vickerstaff, Sarah |
Money and later life
2015 |
Price, Debora |
Youth culture, ageing and identity
2015 |
Bennett, Andy |
Celebrity culture and ageing
2015 |
Fairclaough-Isaacs, Kirsty |
Representations of ageing in the media
2015 |
Ylänne, Virpi |
Global and local ties and the reconstruction of later life
2015 |
Phillipson, Chris |
Rural and urban ageing
2015 |
Edmondson, Ricca |
Cemeteries and age
2015 |
Kirkman, Allison |
Beyond the view of the West : ageing and anthropology
2015 |
Lamb, Sarah |
Theatre and ageing
2015 |
Bernard, Miriam |
Theorising embodiment and ageing
2015 |
Tulle, Emmanuelle |
Dress and age
2015 |
Twigg, Julia |
Ageing, risk and the falling body
2015 |
Katz, Stephen |