Social metabolism : a metric for biophysical growth and degrowth
2015 |
Fischer-Kowalski, Marina |
Economic instruments in policy mixes for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem governance
2015 |
Ring, Irene |
The rise of PES in Brazil : from pilot projects to public policies
2015 |
Ecological economics perspectives on ecosystem services valuation
2015 |
Gómez-Baggethun, Erik |
From conventional economics to complexity in social dilemmas : lessons from CPR experiments in the lab and the field
2015 |
Cárdenas Campo, Juan Camilo |
Taking stock : the keystones of ecological economics
2015 |
Martinez-Alier, Juan |
The content, direction and philosophy of ecological economics
2015 |
Spash, Clive L. |
Analytical philosophy and ecological economics
2015 |
O'Neill, John |
Value deliberation in ecological economics
2015 |
Zografos, Christos |
Macroeconomic policies and environmental sustainability
2015 |
Nadal, Alejandro |
Modeling a non-growing economy : an autobiographical note
2015 |
Victor, Peter A. |
Degrowth: between a scientific concept and a slogan for a social movement
2015 |
Petridis, Panos |
Water: ecological economics and socio-environmental conflicts
2015 |
Rodríguez-Labajos, Beatriz |
The contributions of the ecosystem services paradigm to sustainability science, policy and practice
2015 |
Groot, Rudolf S. de |
The values of traditional ecological knowledge
2015 |
Reyes-García, Victoria |
Sustainable consumption : transitions, systems and practices
2015 |
Røpke, Inge |
Consumers, the environment and the new global middle classes
2015 |
Guarín, Alejandro |
Global environmental governance
2015 |
Vatn, Arild |
Looking forward: current concerns and the future of ecological economics
2015 |
Martinez-Alier, Juan |