European health systems in light of the economic and financial crisis
2015 |
DeSantis, Paolo |
Italian structural problems pushing growth to zero or less
2015 |
Di Giorgio, Giorgio |
Dominant labour policy and dominant labour movement leaders in Italy
2015 |
Ichino, Pietro |
A few reflections on the world economy as we look into the relationship between emerging and advanced countries
2015 |
Bagella, Michele |
Global economy outlook and risks
2015 |
Rossi, Emilio |
The rise of the RMB and its implications for the international monetary system
2015 |
Gao, Haihong |
Morocco and the Maghreb region : Europe is the number one priority, but what will Europe be like in the future?
2015 |
Abouyoub, Hassan |
Europe: who bears the burden of adjustment? : so far, only deficit countries do ; is this working?
2015 |
Guerrieri, Paolo |
European economy forecasts
2015 |
Walker, John |
What should a relatively small regional economy do to face a changing world?
2015 |
Calciano, Filippo L. |
If you are not at the table, you will be on the menu ... and there is no time left
2015 |
Piga, Gustavo |
European growth : EIB has potential and may play a key role, but feasible projects are lacking and new coordination among European institutions is needed
2015 |
Bruni Roccia, Fulceri |
Five issues in the European energy scenario
2015 |
Bollino, Carlo Andrea |
Financial markets and the geo-strategic landscape
2015 |
Basagni, Fabio |
Where will the Italian hornet fly to?
2015 |
Baldassarri, Mario |
From nations to Europe, from Europe to nations : a two-way road to structural reforms
2015 |
Magnani, Marco |
When the crisis is over, the Italian economy and society will appear to be in a post-war scenario
2015 |
Rossi, Nicola |
Economic growth is an urgent need, but attention to the institutional and legal framework is even more urgent
2015 |
Sileoni, Serena |
Introduction to Angel investing
2015 |
Marzotto Caotorta, Tomaso |
Long-term growth of the global economy
2015 |
Noord, Paul Joseph van den |