China as cause and victim of the US subprime crisis : the crisis and its impact on China and the Asian economies
2015 |
Allington, Nigel F. B. |
Default invariance : a naïve category theory of law and finance
2015 |
Tanega, Joseph |
The bank, its societal functions and its practices : conflictual relationships between an economic agent and democracy
2015 |
Ansart, Sandrine |
Ethics should not cloud business or financial decisions : the enduring power of the neoclassical paradigm
2015 |
Bevan, David |
Heated debates and cool analysis : thinking well about financial ethics
2015 |
Cowton, Christopher |
Developing country perspectives : a look at the Nigerian banking sector crisis
2015 |
Ogunyemi, Kemi |
2015 |
Davison, Marcus |
Is Islamic finance a complement to conventional western finance? : underlying principles and viability
2015 |
Soufani, Khaled |
"We're still dancing" : stakeholder expectation and its role in decision making in the financial sector
2015 |
Thomas, Mark |
The all-encompassing hijack
2015 |
O'Sullivan, Patrick |
Asset management : some considerations on performance
2015 |
Dupuy, Philippe |
Risk in the age of crises
2015 |
Desmoulins-Lebeault, François |
The impact of the subprime financial crisis on the Eastern European transition economies, and why Poland is an outlier
2015 |
Allington, Nigel F. B. |
[Rezension von: The philosophy, politics and economics of finance in the 21st century, from hubris to disgrace, ed. by Patrick O'Sullivan ...]
2015 |
Sergi, Bruno S. |
Ethics : from negative regulations to fidelity to the event
2015 |
Joannidès, Vassili |
The sufficiency economy : a Thai response to financial excesses
2015 |
O'Sullivan, Patrick |
Regulation and fraud : a critical assessment of accounting information, corporate governance and complex systems of business control
2015 |
Cilloni, Andrea |
The psychology of unethical behaviour in the finance industry
2015 |
Pitesa, Marko |
Financial liberalism and new institutional environment : the 2007 - 08 financial crisis as a (de)regulatory deadlock
2015 |
Ülgen, Faruk |
Naturalising techniques and naturalised discourses : thoughts on the media's role in the great recession
2015 |
Jaumier, Stéphane |