Reframing History: Fiction and Testimony in Roy Jacobsen's 'The Loggers'
2013 |
Sjølyst-Jackson, Peter |
Memory Trouble After Post-Histoire: Terézia Mora's 'Alle Tage'
2013 |
Gerigk, Anja |
The Phenomenology of Inter-Subjectivity and Co-Existence in the Post-9/11 World: McEwan's 'Saturday' and Amis's 'The Last Days of Muhammad Atta'
2013 |
Andrews, Christina Chandler |
Reconsidering 'Heimat': Jenny Erpenbeck's Novel 'Heimsuchung' (2008)
2013 |
Kramer, Sven |
A Radical Renewal of the Autobiography in French Contemporary Literature: Ernaux and Carrère
2013 |
Froloff, Nathalie |
Ageing in the Twenty-First Century
2013 |
Toit, Catherine du |
Surveillance Narratives: Overload, Desire and Representation in Contemporary Narrative Fiction
2013 |
Veel, Kristin |
Pascal Quignard's Metamorphoses: A Contemporary Recuperation of Literary Fairy Tales
2013 |
Vuong, Léa |
Migrant Storytelling: Trauma, History, Stories and Restoration in Cross-Cultural Literature in Contemporary Italy
2013 |
Gazzoni, Andrea |
The Hypermodern Condition in Isabelle Flükiger's Novels
2013 |
Schaal, Michèle A. |
Translation x 2: Yasmina Reza's 'Le Dieu du carnage' from French to Afrikaans from Script to Stage
2013 |
Morgan, Naòmi |
Learning Words: Language Learner Narrative in the Twenty-First Century
2013 |
O'Sullivan, Helen |
How to Create a Literary Trend, or How to Establish a Winner: An Analysis of the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize 2000-2010
2013 |
Berg, Gunhild |
Contemporary Russian Fiction: 'insanis, demens et delirans'?
2013 |
Dreyer, Nicolas |
The Blogosphere and the Gutenberg Galaxy and Other Impossible Oppositions: Éric Chevillard's 'L'Autofictif'
2013 |
Renon, Erika |
Dirty Metaphysics: The Novels of Pablo Sánchez
2013 |
Fernández Romero, Ricardo |
'Écrire le réel malade': Régis Jauffret's Shocking Panorama of Contemporary French Society in 'Microfictions' (2007)
2013 |
Hertrampf, Marina Ortrud M. |
Reading Némirovsky Now: Resistant Representations of the Second World War in Twenty-First-Century French Literature
2013 |
Kershaw, Angela |
Intersections: Hermaphroditism as a 'Travelling Concept' in Ulrike Draesner's Novel 'Mitgift' (2002)
2013 |
Baier, Angelika |
'Literature of Migration': A New Trend in 'Austrian Literature' in the Twenty-First Century?
2013 |
Vlasta, Sandra |