"Self-immolation by technology" : Jean Baudrillard and the posthuman in film and television
2015 |
Baldwin, Jon |
Post-singularity entities in film and TV
2015 |
Roden, David |
Games, gamers and posthumanism
2015 |
Krzywinska, Tanya |
A new lease on life : a lacanian analysis of cognitive enhancement cinema
2015 |
Zwart, Hub |
Limitless? : There's a pill for that ; filmic representation as equipent for living
2015 |
McNease, Kyle |
Posthumans and democracy in popular culture
2015 |
Hughes, James J. |
Of posthuman born : gender, utopia and the posthuman in films and tv
2015 |
Ferrando, Francesca |
The final frontier? : religion and posthumanism in film and television
2015 |
Graham, Elaine L. |
The ghost in the machine : humanity and the problem of self-aware information
2015 |
Lunceford, Brett |
Onscreen ontology : stages in the posthumanist paradigm shift
2015 |
Philbeck, Thomas D. |
Posthumanism in film and television
2015 |
Hauskeller, Michael |
Bruno Latour : from the non-modern to the posthuman
2015 |
Crawford, T. Hugh |
Friedrich Nietzsche and the posthuman/transhuman in film and television
2015 |
Babich, Babette E. |
Terminated : the life and death of Cyborg in film and television
2015 |
Thomas, Rhys Owain |
Autonomous fighting machines : narratives and ethics
2015 |
O'Mathúna, Dónal |
Negative feeling as emotional enhancement in cinema : the case of Ulrich Seidl's paradise trilogy
2015 |
Laine, Tarja |
Our posthuman skin condition
2015 |
Manea, Teodora |
Executing species : animal attractions in Thomas Edison and Douglas Gordon
2015 |
Pick, Anat |
Uncanny intimacies : humans and machines in film
2015 |
Ornella, Alexander Darius |
Identity : difficulties, discontinuities and pluralities of personhood
2015 |
DiGiovanna, James |