The participation in aquisitions regime
2014 |
Martiny, Dieter |
The right of the child to parents
2014 |
Singer, Anna |
Contracting on Parentage
2014 |
Budzikiewicz, Christine |
France : biological and social parentage
2014 |
Monéger, Francoise |
'Habitual residence' in European family law : the diversity, coherence and transparency of a challenging notion
2014 |
Hilbig-Lugani, Katharina |
New approaches to same-sex marriage : the end of nationality as a connecting factor?
2014 |
Davis, Stuart |
Family life and EU citizenship : the discovery of the substance of the EU citizen's rights and its genuine enjoyment
2014 |
Kaesling, Katharina |
Real-life international family law : Belgian empirical research on cross-border family law
2014 |
Verhellen, Jinske |
General rights and duties in the CEFL principles on property relations between spouses
2014 |
Boele-Woelki, Katharina |
Martial property agreements
2014 |
Lowe, Nigel |
Statutory regulation of cohabiting relationships in the nordic countries : recent developments and future challenges
2014 |
Sverdrup, Tone |
Legislating for cohabitation in common law jurisdictions in Europe : two steps forward and one step back?
2014 |
Barlow, Anne |
The Swedish Cohabitees Act in today's society
2014 |
Walleng, Kajsa |
Biological and social parenthood
2014 |
Britz, Gabriele |
Anonymous relinquishment and baby-boxes : life-saving mechanisms or a violation of human rights?
2014 |
Fenton-Glynn, Claire |
Re-thinking family law : a new legal paradigm for stepfamilies?
2014 |
D'Angelo, Angela |
Protection orders across Europe : first remarks on regulation no. 606/2013
2014 |
De Götzen, Eva |
Private and family life versus morals and tradition in the case law of the ECtHR
2014 |
Willems, Geoffrey |
Maintenance between former spouses and gender equality
2014 |
Rihova Batista, Marketa |
Cross-border surrogacy : time for a convention?
2014 |
Engel, Martin |