Action and space: Navigation as a social and spatial task
2013 |
Haddington, Pentti |
Gesture, space, grammar, and cognition
2013 |
Cienki, Alan |
Ideology and discourse in the enregisterment of regional variation
2013 |
Johnstone, Barbara |
Commentary: The notion of space in lingustic typology
2013 |
König, Ekkehard |
Identity, ethnicity and place: The construction of youth language in London
2013 |
Kerswill, Paul |
How powerful is geography as an explanatory factor in morphosyntacic variation? : Areal features in the Anglophone world
2013 |
Kortmann, Bernd |
How much does geography influence language variation?
2013 |
Nerbonne, John A. |
Commentary: Lost in space? : The many geographies and methodologies in research on variation within languages
2013 |
Szmrecsanyi, Benedikt |
On the interactive achievement of space – and its possible meanings
2013 |
Hausendorf, Heiko |
Commentary: Being mobile, talking on the move: Conceptual, analytical and methodological challenges of mobility
2013 |
Mondada, Lorenza |
Disentangling geography from genealogy
2013 |
Cysouw, Michael |
Area formation in morphosyntax
2013 |
Glaser, Elvira |
'Xi to vi': "Over that way, look!": (Meta)spatial representation in an emerging (Mayan?) sign language
2013 |
Haviland, John B. |
Language, media, and digital landscapes
2013 |
Jacquemet, Marco |
Space in computer-mediated communication: Corpus-based investigations on the use of local deictics in chats
2013 |
Beißwenger, Michael |
Vernacular and multilingual writing in mediated spaces: Web-forums for post-colonial communities of practice
2013 |
Mair, Christian |
Commentary: Making space
2013 |
Heller, Monica |
Exploiting space in German Sign Language: Linguistic and topographic reference in signed discourse
2013 |
Fehrmann, Gisela |
Space in semantic typology: Object-centered geometries
2013 |
Bohnemeyer, Jürgen |
The vertical archipelago: Adding the third dimension to linguistic geography
2013 |
Nichols, Johanna |