Special issue: QMOD Conference selected best papers |
2019 |
volume 30, supplement 1 (October 2019) |
Special issue: 20th QMOD Conference selected best papers |
2018 |
volume 29, numbers 9/10 (September 2018) |
Special issue: Best selected papers from the 19th QMOD Conference: Building a Culture for Quality, Innovation and Sustainability |
2017 |
volume 28, numbers 9/10 (September 2017) |
Special issue: Best papers from QMOD 2015 Conference in Seoul, South Korea |
-2016 |
volume 27, numbers 7/8 (Juli-August 2016) |
Special issue: Best papers from QMOD 2014 Conference in Prague |
-2015 |
volume 26, numbers 9/10, September-October 2015 |
Special issue: QMOD 2013 Conference : selected best papers |
2014 |
25.2014,7/8 |
Special issue: Quality excellence in Taiwan : theories and practices |
2014 |
26.2015,1/2 |
Special issue: Quality in higher education |
2014 |
25.2014,1/2 |
Special issue: TQM, quality costs, quality improvement roadmaps, and quality management systems |
2014 |
25.2014,3 |
Special issue: From organizational assessment and continuous improvement to learnability, innovability and sustainability |
2014 |
25.2014,9/10 |
Special issue: Enhancing quality and employee well-being |
2014 |
25.2014,11/12 |
Special issue: Excellence models, TQM, and performance |
2014 |
25.2014,5 |
Special issue: Identifying and satisfying customer needs from attribute affects to experience affects |
2013 |
24.2013,11/12 |
Special issue: Business excellence models, TQM, management tools and culture |
2013 |
24.2013,5/6 |
Special issue: Quality, safety, environmental management systems and the costs of quality |
2013 |
24.2013,3/4 |
Special issue: The quality movement and practices of excellence around the world |
2013 |
24.2013,1/2 |
Special issue: QMOD 2011 - 2012 Conferences : selected best papers |
2013 |
24.2013,7/8 |
Special issue: Relationship quality and customer satisfaction in service contexts |
2013 |
24.2013,9/10 |
Special issue: e-Service : quality, satisfaction, behaviors and loyalty |
2012 |
23.2012,7/8 |
Special issue: From Six Sigma and lean production to lean Six Sigma and lean services |
2012 |
23.2012,3/4 |