Dividend withholding tax claims in the European Union
2014 |
Bammens, Niels |
Taxation of hybrid instruments in China : new developments and main issues
2014 |
Tang, Jieyin |
Tax implications of various crowdfunding models : a general overview from a Spanish perspective
2014 |
Gramage, Francisco |
Brazilian tax aspects of repo agreements
2014 |
Vettori, Gustavo Gonçalves |
Crowdfunding : a tangled web
2014 |
Joseph, Anton |
The new cross-border merger regime for collective investment institutions
2014 |
Ferrer, Carlos |
IRS grants transition relief for FATCA but not delayed effectiveness
2014 |
Carman, Paul |
Global automatic exchange of information for financial institutions
2014 |
Peters, M. J. |
Recent developments in hybrid financial instruments
2014 |
Gelder, Gabriël |
Substance requirements for entities located in a harmful tax jurisdiction under CFC rules and the EU freedom of establishment
2014 |
Smit, Daniël |
News and clarifications on the tax residence of collective investment vehicles and on the corporate tax exposure for European investment fund managers
2014 |
Arginelli, Paolo |
VAT on intercompany supplies : why Skandia is a big deal
2014 |
Zutt, Jochum |
Over-the-counter derivative markets in the light of EMIR clearing obligations and the financial transaction tax
2014 |
Caroline, Heber |
The implementation of the AIFMD in Dutch tax law
2014 |
Vermeulen, Hein |
Anti-abuse under the financial transaction tax proposal
2014 |
Debelva, Filip |
The OECD's common reporting standard : the next step in the global fight against tax evasion
2014 |
Radcliffe, Paul |
Too confident : section 33 of the income tax act and its (mis)trust in judicial precedent
2014 |
Yeen, Jonathan Muk Chen |
Tax treatment of preferred shares and other qualifying debt instruments
2014 |
Centeno, Belén |
Securitization and thin capitalization
2014 |
Joseph, Anton |
Delhi High Court ruling on tax treatment of proceeds from the sale of compulsorily convertible debentures
2014 |
Jhabakh, P. Raj Kumar |