A pragmatic approach to global law
2014 |
Frydman, Benoit |
Political recognition and transnational law : gender equality and cultural diversification in French courts
2014 |
Isailović, Ivana |
The relevance of private international law to the global governance debate
2014 |
Watt, Horatia Muir |
Private adjudication without precedent?
2014 |
Arroyo, Diego P. Fernández |
The Constitution of the Conflict of Laws
2014 |
Bomhoff, Jacco |
Importing proportionality to the conflict of laws
2014 |
Heymann, Jeremy |
Future directions?
2014 |
Watt, Horatia Muir |
Comparative law as resistance
2014 |
Samuel, Geoffrey |
The governance implications of comparative legal thinking : on Henry Maine's jurisprudence and liberal imperialism
2014 |
Corcodel, Veronica |
The merchant who would not be king : unreasoned fears about private lawmaking
2014 |
Cuniberti, Gilles |
Balancing the public and the private in international investment law
2014 |
Radi, Yannick |
Rules of recognition : a legal Constructivist approach to transnational private regulation
2014 |
Schepel, Harm |
Private v private : transnational private law and contestation in global economic governance
2014 |
Wai, Robert |
Post-critical private international law : from politics to technique
2014 |
Michaels, Ralf |
Global land grabbing : a tale of three legal homogenizations
2014 |
Ferrando, Tomaso |
The extraterritorial application of access to justice rights : on the availability of Israeli courts to Palestinian plaintiffs
2014 |
Karayanni, Michael M. |
Variable geometry, peer governance, and the public international perspective on private international law
2014 |
Mills, Alex |
Financial stability as a global public good and private international law as an instrument for its transnational governance : some basic thoughts
2014 |
Eem, Bram van der |
Can private international law contribute to global migration governance?
2014 |
Corneloup, Sabine |