Josquin in the sources of Spain, an evaluation of two unique attributions
2008 |
Elders, Willem |
Old testament motets for the war of Cyrus (1570-71)
2008 |
Fenlon, Iain |
Caron and Florence : a new ascription and the copying of the "Pixérécourt Chansonnier"
2008 |
Gallagher, Sean |
The "Officium" of the "Recollection Festorum Beate Marie Virginis" by Gilles Carlier and Giullaume du Fay : its celebration and reform in Leuven
2008 |
Haggh, Barbara |
"Excellent for the hand" : writing on John Bull's keyboard music in England
2008 |
Irving, John |
Self-citation and self-promotion : Zarlino and the "Miserere" tradition
2008 |
Schiltz, Katelijne |
An unknown organ manuscript with mainly magnificat-settings by Lassus (1626)
2008 |
Schreurs, Eugeen |
"Una cosa riuscita" : Ignace Bossuyt's academic career
2008 |
Delaere, Mark |
Notations modales au seizième siècle
2008 |
Meeùs, Nicolas |
"Beati omnes, qui timent Dominum" à 5 : oder: Von den Schwierigkeiten, Orlando di Lassos Motetten zu edieren
2008 |
Schmid, Bernhold |
Über "Nationalstile" in der Motette des 16. Jahrhunderts
2008 |
Schmidt-Beste, Thomas |
Humor in the motets of Orlando di Lasso
2008 |
Bergquist, Peter |
Heinrich Isaac and his recently discovered "Missa Presulem Ephebeatum"
2008 |
Burn, David J. |
Die Entstehung der musikalischen Geschichte, Historisierung und ästhetische Praxis am Beispiel Josquins
2008 |
Lütteken, Laurenz |
Notes from an Erasable tablet
2008 |
Milsom, John |
Johannes Tinctoris and the art of listening
2008 |
Wegman, Rob C. |
A new source, and new compositions, for Philippe de Monte
2008 |
Boorman, Stanley |
Josquin, Willaert and "Douleur me bat"
2008 |
Jas, Eric |
Gardano's "Mottetti del Frutto" of 1538-39 and the promotion of a new style
2008 |
Lewis, Mary S. |
La Frottola antica e la caccia : indizi di un recupero formale e stilistico nella prima metà del cinquecento
2008 |
Luisi, Francesco |