Butterflies of the world part 50 Hesperiidae 3 New world Pyrrhopyginae : short text and plates / E. Brockmann, C. G. C. Mielke & O. H. H. Mielke |
2022 |
part 50 = Hesperiidae, 3 |
Butterflies of the world part 47/B Nymphalidae 27 Charaxes of Asia and Indo-Australia / B.Turlin |
2020 |
part/47/B = Nymphalidae, 27 |
Butterflies of the world part 48 Nymphalidae 28 Euphaedra II / Gilles Faravel |
2020 |
part 48 = Nymphalidae, 28 |
Butterflies of the world part 49 Hesperiidae 2 New world Pyrrhopyginae : detailed text / O. H. H. Mielke, E. Brockmann & C. G. C. Mielke |
2020 |
part 49 = Hesperiidae, 2 |
Butterflies of the world part 47/A Nymphalidae 27 Charaxes of Asia and Indo-Australia / B.Turlin |
2020 |
part/47/A = Nymphalidae, 27 |
Butterflies of the world Nymphalidae 26 Polyura / Bernhard Turlin |
2017 |
Part 46,A = [2],26,A |
Butterflies of the world Nymphalidae 26 Polyura / Bernhard Turlin |
2017 |
Part 46,B = [2],26,B |
Butterflies of the world Papilionidae 16 Papilio machaon - group, Iphiclides podalirius, Papilio alexanor / Ralph Sturm |
2017 |
Part 45 = [1],16 |
Butterflies of the world The ABRI collections 2 Unusual butterflies / Steve Collins |
2015 |
Pt. 43 = [42],2 |
Butterflies of the world Nymphalidae 25 Kallima / Peter V. Küppers |
2015 |
Pt. 44 = [2],25 |
Butterflies of the world The ABRI collections 1 Papilionidae / Steve Collins |
2015 |
Pt. 42 = [42],1 |
Butterflies of the world Nymphalidae 24 Palla and Euxanthe / B. Turlin |
2014 |
Pt. 40 = [2],24 |
Butterflies of the world Papilionidae 15 Troides ; 5, Trogonoptera / Oliver Schäffler, Kurt Rumbucher & Viktor Dufek |
2014 |
Pt. 41 = [1],15 |
Butterflies of the world Nymphalidae 22 Aberrations and peculiar forms in the genus Charaxes (Ochsenheimer, 1816) in the Afrotropical region : Nymphalidae: Charaxinae: Charaxini ; [Charaxes VI] / Bernard Turlin |
2013 |
Pt. 38 = [2],22 |
Butterflies of the world Nymphalidae 23 The genus Acraea Fabricius, 1907, subgenus Acraea : Nymphalidae, Acraeinae / Jacques Pierre & Dominique Bernaud |
2013 |
Pt. 39 = [2],23 |
Butterflies of the world Papilionidae 14 Hypermnestra, Luehdorfiini, Zerynthiini / Thomas Frankenbach, Maurizio Bollino & Tommaso Racheli |
2012 |
Pt. 36 = [1],14 |
Butterflies of the world Nymphalidae 21 Euploea of Philippine Islands / Colin G. Treadaway |
2012 |
Pt. 37 = [2],21 |
Butterflies of the world Nymphalidae 20 Anaeomorpha, Noreppa, Archaeoprepona: I / / [Oliver Schäffler & Thomas Frankenbach] |
2011 |
Pt. 35 = [2],20 |
Butterflies of the world Nymphalidae 19 The Afrotropical species of Charaxes: part V : Nymphalidae, Charaxinae, Charaxini / Bernard Turlin |
2011 |
Pt. 34 = [2],19 |
Butterflies of the world Nymphalidae 18 Morpho 2 / Oliver Schäffler & Thomas Frankenbach |
2010 |
Pt. 33 = [2],18 |