Does the design of welfare programs stipulate nursing home utilization? : a comparative analysis of long-term care systems in Japan and Germany
2024 |
Wende, Danny |
Domestic violence, labor market, and minimus wage : theory and evidence
2023 |
Chavez, Carlos |
Unconventionally green: monetary policy between engagement and conflicting goals
2023 |
Liebich, Lena |
The impact of the tax reduction on fuel prices in Germany : a synthetic difference-in-differences approach
2023 |
Bernhardt, Lea |
A primer on green finance: from wishful thinking to marginal impact
2023 |
Krahnen, Jan Pieter |
Estimating the effect of transaction costs using the tick size as a proxy
2022 |
Sirnes, Espen |
Gender gap in schooling and wages : effects of foreign capital and education subsidies
2022 |
Mukhopadhyay, Ujjaini |
Natural selection, technological progress, and the origin of human longevity
2022 |
Grall, Lothar |
China's official finance in the Global South : what's the literature telling us?
2022 |
Ahmed, Salma |
Leverage shocks: firm-level evidence on debt overhang and investment
2022 |
Cevik, Serhan |
Strategic welfare policies with migration : a theoretical model and empirical evidence
2021 |
Antonelli, Maria Alessandra |
What are the determinants of public support for climate policies? : a review of the empirical literature
2021 |
Bumann, Silke |
Insurance against extreme weather events : an overview
2021 |
Krähnert, Kati |
Desert locust invasions and child health : evidence from the Republic of the Niger
2021 |
My Nguyen |
What determines fiscal deficits in Europe? : the impact and interaction of EMU membership, fiscal rules, fiscal councils and creative accounting
2020 |
Maltritz, Dominik |
High-frequency trading and systemic risk : a structured review of findings and policies
2020 |
Sánchez Serrano, Antonio |
What do we know about lobbying in Germany?
2020 |
Polk, Andreas |
A note on unemployment of unskilled labor due to COVID-19 led restriction on migration and trade
2020 |
Mandal, Biswajit |
Out-of-sample predictability of economic efficiency measures of U.S. Banks: evidence of capital adequacy requirements
2020 |
Sakouvogui, Kekoura |
The democracy-economy-nexus
2020 |
Brieger, Stefan |