The hindsight bias and the law in hindsigh
2014 |
Teichman, Doron |
Heuristics and biases
2014 |
Baron, Jonathan |
Law and prosocial behavior
2014 |
Stout, Lynn A. |
Law, moral attitudes, and behavioral change
2014 |
Bilz, Kenworthey |
Behavioral law and economics of property law : achievements and challenges
2014 |
Lewinsohn-Zamir, Daphna |
Behavioral analysis of criminal law : a survey
2014 |
Harel, Alon |
Behavioral economics and the law : tax
2014 |
McCaffery, Edward J. |
Moral judgement
2014 |
Baron, Jonathan |
Behavorial ethics meets behavioral law and economics
2014 |
Feldman, Yuval |
Wrestling with the endowment effect, or how to do law and economics without the coase theorem
2014 |
Korobkin, Russell |
Behavioral economics and tort law
2014 |
Halbersberg, Yoed |
Behavioral economics and plea bargaining
2014 |
Covey, Russell D. |
Connsumer transactions
2014 |
Bar-Gill, Oren |
Enviromental law
2014 |
Kuenzler, Adrian |
Human prosocial motivation and the maintenance of social order
2014 |
Gächter, Simon |
The importance of behavioral law
2014 |
Ulen, Thomas S. |
Alternative behavioral law and economics
2014 |
Mitchell, Gregory |
Law's loss aversion
2014 |
Zamir, Eyal |
Probability errors : overoptimism, ambiguity aversion, and the certainty effect
2014 |
Williams, Sean |
Behavioral economics and contract law
2014 |
Eisenberg, Melvin Aron |