URPE at the University of Massachusetts
2018 |
Best, Michael H. |
Participating in URPE from the global south
2018 |
Barkin, David |
Radical economics as journalism : the origins of dollars & sense
2018 |
Mata, Tiago |
The influence of the review of radical political economics : insights on selected key articles
2018 |
Schroeder, Susan K. |
What is radical political economics?
2018 |
Kim, Marlene |
Free markets and the decline of democracy
2018 |
Weeks, John |
The new Triffin Dilemma
2018 |
Davis, Ann E. |
Total effects of privatization : evidence from Turkey
2018 |
Cengiz, Doruk |
Politics within complementary currency systems : the case study of barter clubs in Argentina
2018 |
Ould-Ahmed, Pépita |
Precarious work in recession and growth : a new structural feature of labor markets in Argentina?
2018 |
Felder, Ruth |
The mechansim of relative surplus value
2018 |
Cipolla, Francisco Paulo |
Institutional change in Social Structures of Accumulation theory : an anti-essentialist approach
2018 |
Rey Araujo, Pedro M. |
Rethinking varieties of capitalism from the Latin American periphery
2018 |
Fernández, Víctor Ramiro |
URPE, radical political economics, social movements, and revolution : from identity politics to solidarity economics : looking backward, looking forward on the occasion of URPE's fiftieth anniversary
2018 |
Matthaei, Julie A. |
Does CSR contribute to sustainable development? : what a régulation approach can tell us
2018 |
Lamarche, Thomas |
Creation of URPE women#s caucus
2018 |
Nisonoff, Laurie |
Governing foreign direct investment : post-Enron initiatives in India
2018 |
Ahmed, Waquar |
Global finance and capital adequacy regulation : recreating capitalist social relations
2018 |
Rogers, Chris |
Is historical materialism a deterministic approach? : the democratic firm and the transition to socialism
2018 |
Jossa, Bruno |
Unwaged work and the production of sustainability in eco-conscious households
2018 |
Munro, Kirstin |