Container port competition in Europe
2015 |
Notteboom, Theo E. |
Container port competition and competitiveness analysis : Asian major ports
2015 |
Lee, Paul T.-W. |
Robust optimization approach to empty container repositioning in liner shipping
2015 |
Tsang, Ho-Tak |
Slow steaming in maritime transportation : fundamentals, trade-offs, and decision models
2015 |
Psaraftis, Harilaos N. |
Purchasing transportation services from ocean carriers
2015 |
Xu, Zhou |
Container terminal operation : current trends and future challenges
2015 |
Kim, Kap Hwan |
Disruption management for liner shipping
2015 |
Qi, Xiangtong |
Bunker purchasing in liner shipping
2015 |
Plum, Christian E. M. |
Modelling global container freight transport demand
2015 |
Tavasszy, Lorant A. |
Green corridors and their possible impact on the European supply chain
2015 |
Panagakos, George |
Innovative container terminals to improve global container transport chains
2015 |
Jiang, Xinjia |
Choosing a business model of container terminal operations
2015 |
Lu, Chin-Shan |
Empty container repositioning
2015 |
Song, Dong-Ping |
Ship route schedule based interactions between container shipping lines and port operators
2015 |
Wang, Shuaian |
Efficient global container transport network design
2015 |
Wang, Shuaian |
Ocean transport and the facilitation of trade
2015 |
Veenstra, Albert Willem |
Competition and co-operation in maritime logistics operations
2015 |
Lee, Eon-Seong |
Hinterland transportation in container supply chains
2015 |
Bouchery, Yann |