Litigation versus dispute resolution through political processes
2014 |
Scott, Shirley V. |
National and international litigation : partners or competitors?
2014 |
Ward, Christopher |
Australia's experience in international litigation
2014 |
Burmester, Henry |
European perspectives on inter-state litigation
2014 |
Wood, Michael |
Initiating territorial adjudication : the who, how, when, and why of litigating contested sovereignty
2014 |
Brilmayer, Lea |
Why litigate a maritime boundary? Some contributing factors
2014 |
Lathrop, Coalter G. |
International environmental disputes : to sue or not to sue
2014 |
Stephens, Tim |
Litigating international law disputes : whereto?
2014 |
Romano, Cesare P.R. |
Litigating law of the sea disputes using the UNCLOS dispute settlement system
2014 |
Karim, Saiful |
Why states resort to litigation in cases concerning the use of force
2014 |
Gray, Christine |
The place of international litigation in international law
2014 |
Merrills, John |
The United States as an international litigant
2014 |
Feldman, Mark |
Asian perspectives on inter-state litigation
2014 |
Bundy, Rodman R. |
Adjudicating armed conflict
2014 |
Crook, John R. |
Latin American states and the International Court of Justice
2014 |
Fuentes, Ximena |
African perspectives on inter-state litigation
2014 |
Mbengue, Makane Moi͏̈se |
Human rights as a subject of international litigation
2014 |
Shearer, Ivan |
The WTO dispute settlement system and underlying motivatin factors for adjudication
2014 |
Islam, Rafiqul |
Resolving international investment disputes
2014 |
Brown, Chester |
Dispute settlement options for the protection of nationals abroad
2014 |
Klein, Natalie |