Are mutual fund managers good gamblers?
2023 |
Stein, Roberto |
Liquid speed : a micro-burst fee for low-latency exchanges
2023 |
Brolley, Michael |
Options market ambiguity and its information content
2023 |
Chen, Qiang |
Equity premium prediction : the role of information from the options market
2023 |
Alexandridis, Antonios K. |
Risk disclosure in IPO advertisement and the quality of the firm
2023 |
Katti, Supriya |
Optimism, divergence of investors' opinions, and the long-run underperformance of IPOs
2023 |
Ikeda, Naoshi |
Job postings and aggregate stock returns
2023 |
Kothari, Pratik |
Benchmarking the effects of the Fed's Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility using Yankee bonds
2023 |
Xu, Hui |
Daily short selling around reverse stock splits
2023 |
Blau, Benjamin |
Common short selling and excess comovement : evidence from a sample of LSE stocks
2023 |
Geraci, Marco Valerio |
Information flow and credit rating announcements
2023 |
Khorram, Mehdi |
The exit choices of European private firms : a dynamic empirical analysis
2023 |
Chemmanur, Thomas J. |
Options-based systemic risk, financial distress, and macroeconomic downturns
2023 |
Bevilacqua, Mattia |
The disappearing profitability of volatility-managed equity factors
2023 |
Angelidis, Timotheos |
Does stock market rescue affect investment efficiency in the real sector?
2023 |
Jin, Ling |
Limited investor attention and biased reactions to information : evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic
2023 |
Xu, Liao |
Climate risks and realized volatility of major commodity currency exchange rates
2023 |
Bonato, Matteo |
Investor sentiment, style investing, and momentum
2023 |
Ashour, Samar |
Who trades at the close? : implications for price discovery and liquidity
2023 |
Bogousslavsky, Vincent |
Order splitting and interacting with a counterparty
2023 |
Kervel, Vincent van |