Is this a man's world? : obstacles to women's success in male-typed domains
2014 |
Caleo, Suzette |
Unspeakable masculinities in business schools
2014 |
Kelan, Elisabeth |
Male backlash : penalties for men who violate gender stereotypes
2014 |
Moss-Racusin, Corinne A. |
Engaging men through inclusive leadership
2014 |
Prime, Jeanine |
Preventing violence against women and girls
2014 |
Flood, Michael |
Stereotype threat impacts on women in the workforce
2014 |
Streets, Valerie N. |
Individual, organizational, and societal backlash against women
2014 |
Burke, Ronald J. |
Advancing women's careers : why men matter
2014 |
Burke, Ronald J. |
Relations, emotions and differences : re-gendering emotional labour in the context of men doing care
2014 |
Simpson, Ruth |
The causes and consequences of workaholism
2014 |
Aziz, Shahnaz |
The gender role socialization of boys to men
2014 |
Levant, Ronald F. |
Taking the obvious apart : critical approaches to men, masculinities, and the gendered dynamics of leadership
2014 |
Collinson, David L. |
The imperative for servant-leadership : reflections on the (enduring) dysfunctions of corporate masculinity
2014 |
Maier, Mark |
Barriers to women in science : examining the interplay between individual and gendered institutional research cultures on women scientiests' desired futures
2014 |
Case, Susan Schick |
Men, masculinity, well-being, and health
2014 |
Burke, Ronald J. |
Gendered organizational cultures, structures and processes : the cultural exclusion of women in organizations
2014 |
Rutherford, Sarah |
How can men and women be allies in achieving work-family balance? : the role of coping in facilitating positive crossover
2014 |
Litano, Michael L. |