What remains of Adorno's critique of culture ?
2013 |
Schneider, Norbert |
Introduction . towards a history of the marxist history of art
2013 |
Carter, Warren |
The political logic of radical art history in California 1974-85 . a memoir
2013 |
Eisenman, Stephen F. |
Aby Warburg and the spirit of capitalism
2013 |
Schwartz, Frederic J. |
Meaning, change and ambiguity in Canadian Landscape imagery : Homer Watson and the pioneer mill
2013 |
Foss, Brian |
An "ever-recurring controversy" : John Thompson, William James Stillman and the Bootblacks
2013 |
Edwards, Steve |
William Morris, ornament and the coordinates of the body
2013 |
Arscott, Caroline |
Experiment and propaganda : art in the monthly New Masses
2013 |
Sanders, Rachel |
Action, revolution and painting . resumed
2013 |
Orton, Fred |
Erasure and Jewishness in Otto Dix's Portrait of the Lawyer Hugo Simons
2013 |
Dyke, James A. van |
Scars on the landscape . Doris Salcedo between two worlds
2013 |
Wu, Chin-tao |
A communion of just men made perfect : Walter Pater, romantic anti-capitalism and the Paris commune
2013 |
Beaumont, Matthew |
Calaveras and commodity fetishism : the unhallowed supernatural in the work of José Guadalupe Posada
2013 |
Gretton, Tom |
Reading Ahab : Rockwell Kent, Herman Melville and C. L. R. James
2013 |
Miller, Angela |
Lu Märten and the question of a Marxist aesthetic in 1920s Germany
2013 |
Gaughan, Martin I. |
Photography, language and the pictorial turn
2013 |
Smith, Peter |
Deartification this side of art . idealogy critique, autonomy and reproduction
2013 |
Stakemeier, Kerstin |
Art history's furies
2013 |
Roberts, John |
The dialectial legacies of radical art history : Meyer Schapiro and German aesthetic debates in te 1930s and 1940s
2013 |
Carter, Warren |
Approaching Marx's aesthetic : or, what is sensuous practice ?
2013 |
Martin, Stewart |