The effect of prior investment outcomes on future investment decisions : is there a gender difference?
2018 |
Hibbert, Ann Marie |
Do behavioral biases affect order aggressiveness?
2018 |
Bian, Jiangze |
Common factors, information, and holdings dispersion
2018 |
Fontaine, Patrice |
Are some clients more equal than others? : an analysis of asset management companies' execution costs
2018 |
Ben-Rephael, Azi |
The capital structure of nations
2018 |
Bolton, Patrick |
Dynamic dependence and diversification in corporate credit
2018 |
Christoffersen, Peter F. |
Why did sponsor banks rescue their SIVs? : a signaling model of rescues
2018 |
Segura, Anatoli |
The cost of political connections
2018 |
Bertrand, Marianne |
The effects of investment bank rankings : evidence from M&A league tables
2018 |
Derrien, François |
Housing habits and their implications for life-cycle consumption and investment
2018 |
Kraft, Holger |
Learning to take risks? : the effect of education on risk-taking in financial markets
2018 |
Black, Sandra E. |
Seeing the unobservable from the invisible : the role of CO2 in measuring consumption risk
2018 |
Chen, Zhuo |
Finance, comparative advantage, and resource allocation
2018 |
Jaud, Melise |
Option listing and information asymmetry
2018 |
Hu, Jianfeng |
An empirical investigation on funding liquidity and market liquidity
2018 |
Chung, Ji-Yeong |
Labor representation in governance as an insurance mechanism
2018 |
Kim, Ŭng-han |
A measure of pure home bias
2018 |
Cooper, Ian |
Tournament incentives and firm innovation
2018 |
Shen, Hsin-han |
Does competition affect truth telling? : an experiment with rating agencies
2018 |
Rabanal, Jean Paul |
Do FOMC actions speak loudly? : evidence from corporate bond credit spreads
2018 |
Javadi, Siamak |