Rating agencies
2014 |
Poon, Martha |
Gender and finance
2014 |
Maltby, Josephine |
Financial automation, past, present, and future
2014 |
Pardo-Guerra, Juan Pablo |
Politics and financial markets
2014 |
Davis, Gerald F. |
Finance and institutional investors
2014 |
Jung, Jiwook |
What is a financial market? : global markets as microinstitutional and post-traditional social forms
2014 |
Knorr-Cetina, Karin |
Interactions and decisions in trading
2014 |
Preda, Alex |
Seeing through the eyes of others : dissonance within and across trading rooms
2014 |
Beunza, Daniel |
Accounting and finance
2014 |
Power, Michael |
A long strange trip : the state and mortgage securitization, 1968 - 2010
2014 |
Fligstein, Neil |
Dead pledges : mortgaging time and space
2014 |
French, Shaun |
Geographies of finance : the state-enterprise clusters of China
2014 |
Siu, Lucia Leung-sea |
Global finance and its institutional spaces
2014 |
Sassen, Saskia |
Central banking and the triumph of technical rationality
2014 |
Abolafia, Mitchel Y. |
Financial analysts
2014 |
Wansleben, Leon |
Financial crises as symbols and rituals
2014 |
Jacobs, Mark D. |
The sociology of financial fraud
2014 |
Harrington, Brooke |
Historical sociology of modern finance
2014 |
Carruthers, Bruce G. |
Finance in modern economic thought
2014 |
Jovanovic, Franck |
Business groups and financial markets as emergent phenomena
2014 |
Kogut, Bruce |