Genre, Criticisim, and the Early Victorian Novel
2013 |
Edwards-Newman, Rebecca |
Victorian Literature and Russian Culture: Translation, Reception, Influence, Affinity
2013 |
Buckler, Julie A. |
Gentleman's Latin, Lady's Greek
2013 |
Haynes, Kenneth |
The Moral Scope of the English Bildungsroman
2013 |
Brown, Julia Prewitt |
The Last Victorian Novel: II. The Quest of the Silver Fleece, by W.E.B. Du Bois
2013 |
Hack, Daniel |
Victorian Photography and the Novel
2013 |
Green-Lewis, Jennifer |
The Victorian Novel and Horticulture
2013 |
Voskuil, Lynn M. |
Three Matters of Style
2013 |
Lambert, Mark Henry |
The Victorian Novel and its Readers
2013 |
Gettelman, Debra |
The Victorian Novel and the Reviews
2013 |
Robinson, Solveig C. |
The Victorian Novel and the OED
2013 |
Mugglestone, Lynda |
Technologies of Travel and the Victorian Novel
2013 |
Byerly, Alison |
Naturalizing the Mind in the Victorian Novel: Consciousness in Wilkie Collin's Poor Miss Finch and Thomas Hardy's Woodlanders - Two Case Studies
2013 |
Anger, Suzy |
The Victorian Novel and the Law
2013 |
Schramm, Jan-Melissa |
Industrialism and the Victorian Novel
2013 |
Horowitz, Evan |
The Novel and Religion: Catholicism and Victorian Women's Novels
2013 |
O'Malley, Patrick R. |
Verse Versus the Novel
2013 |
Najarian, James |
The Novel, Its Critics, and the University: A New Beginning?
2013 |
Vaninskaya, Anna |
The Victorian Novel and America
2013 |
Claybaugh, Amanda |
Novels of the 1860s
2013 |
Carlisle, Janice |