Commitment versus flexibility and sticky prices : evidence from life insurance
2023 |
Paluszynski, Radoslaw |
The welfare effects of tax progressivity in a frictional labor market
2023 |
Pizzo, Alessandra |
The fall of the labor income share : the role of technological change and hiring frictions
2023 |
Carbonero, Francesco |
The firm size-leverage relationship and its implications for entry and business concentration
2023 |
Chatterjee, Satyajit |
Unemployment risk, consumption dynamics, and the secondary market for durable goods
2023 |
Chafwehé, Boris |
Re-use of collateral : leverage, volatility, and welfare
2023 |
Brumm, Johannes |
Asset market frictions, household heterogeneity, and the liquidity theory of the term structure
2023 |
Wang, Chien-Chiang |
Bank runs and the optimality of limited banking
2023 |
Peck, James |
A rational theory for disposition effects
2023 |
Dai, Min |
Money, growth, and welfare in a Schumpeterian model with the spirit of capitalism
2023 |
He, Qichun |
Agency frictions, managerial compensation, and disruptive innovations
2023 |
Çelik, Murat Alp |
On the black-white gaps in labor supply and earnings over the lifecycle in the US
2023 |
Rauh, Christopher |
Trend inflation and evolving inflation dynamics : a Bayesian GMM analysis
2023 |
Gemma, Yasufumi |
Identifying preferences when households are financially constrained
2023 |
Tryphonides, Andreas |
Accounting for limited commitment between spouses when estimating labor-supply elasticities
2023 |
Bredemeier, Christian |
Low safe interest rates : a case for dynamic inefficiency?
2023 |
Bloise, Gaetano |
Slow recoveries, endogenous growth and macro-prudential policy
2023 |
Bonciani, Dario |
Optimal GDP-indexed bonds
2023 |
Önder, Yasin Kürşat |
Marginal propensity to consume and unemployment : a meta-analysis
2023 |
Sokolovav, Anna |
Contract enforcement and preventive healthcare : theory and evidence
2023 |
Dixit, Shiv |