Problems and methods of approach
2014 |
Bateson, Gregory |
The group and the individual in functional analysis
2014 |
Malinowski, Bronislaw |
Understanding and explanation in social anthropology
2014 |
Beattie, J. H. M. |
Thick description : toward an interpretive theory of culture
2014 |
Geertz, Clifford |
Why the behavioural sciences need the concept of the culture-ready brain
2014 |
Whitehead, Charles |
Introduction to Europe and the people without history
2014 |
Wolf, Eric R. |
Introduction to of revelation and revolution
2014 |
Comaroff, Jean |
The primacy of the ethical : propositions for a militant anthropology
2014 |
Scheper-Hughes, Nancy |
Beyond good and evil ? questioning the anthropological discomfort with morals
2014 |
Fassin, Didier |
Signs are not the grab of meaning : on the social analysis of material things
2014 |
Keane, Webb |
What is at stake - and is not - in the idea and practice of multi-sited ethnography
2014 |
Marcus, George E. |
Anthropology of anthropology ? further reflections on reflexivity
2014 |
Sangren, P. Steven |
Rules for the explanation of social facts
2014 |
Durkheim, Emile |
On social structure
2014 |
Radcliffe-Brown, A. R. |
Anthropological data and social reality
2014 |
Holy, Ladislav |
Objectification objectified
2014 |
Bourdieu, Pierre |
Subjectivity and cultural critique
2014 |
Ortner, Sherry B. |
Towards am integration of ethnography, history and the cognitive science of religion
2014 |
Whitehouse, Harvey |
2014 |
Luhrmann, T. M. |
Knowledge of the body
2014 |
Jackson, Michael |