What is going to happen
2014 |
Eckardt, Regine |
On the rise of epistemic meanings in English: an example of subjectification in semantic change
2014 |
Traugott, Elizabeth Closs |
The interaction of syntactic change and information status effects in the change from OV to VO in English
2014 |
Taylor, Ann |
Positive and negative face as descriptive categories in the history of English
2014 |
Jucker, Andreas H. |
The pronoun of address in Piers Plowman: authorial and scribal usage
2014 |
Stenroos, Merja-Riitta |
"It ain't nothing to do with my school." Variation and pragmatic uses of ain't in the language of British English teenagers
2014 |
Palacios Martínez, Ignacio M. |
Collocational and idiomatic aspects of verbs in Early Modern English: a corpus-based study of MAKE, HAVE, GIVE, TAKE, and DO
2014 |
Kytö, Merja |
Exploring the relation between the qualitative and quantitative uses of the determiner some
2014 |
Duffley, Patrick J. |
The loss of verb-second and the switch from bounded to unbounded systems
2014 |
Los, Bettelou |
So who? Like how? Just what? Discourse markers in the conversations of young Canadians
2014 |
Tagliamonte, Sali A. |
English sentence adverbials in a discourse and cognitive perspective
2014 |
Swan, Toril |
Coding the York-Toronto-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Old English Prose to investigate the syntax-pragmatics interface
2014 |
Traugott, Elizabeth Closs |
The development of phrasal verbs in English
2014 |
Brinton, Laurel J. |
Rather: on a modal cycle
2014 |
Gergel, Remus |
Where did late merge go? Grammaticalization as feature economy
2014 |
Gelderen, Elly van |
The syntax of mood particles in the history of English
2014 |
Gelderen, Elly van |