Measuring competition for attention in social media : national women's soccer league players on Twitter
2021 |
Rossi, Federico |
Informational and noninformational advertising content
2021 |
Tsai, Yi-Lin |
A theoretical analysis of the lean start-up method
2021 |
Yoo, Onesun Steve |
Endogenous evaluation and sequential search
2021 |
Guo, Liang |
Scalable data fusion with selection correction : an application to customer base analysis
2021 |
McCarthy, Daniel |
Media platforms' content provision strategies and sources of profits
2021 |
Amaldoss, Wilfried |
Pricing under dynamic competition when loyal consumers stockpile
2021 |
Gangwar, Manish |
Reciprocity and unveiling in two-sided reputation systems : evidence from an experiment on Airbnb
2021 |
Fradkin, Andrey |
Frontiers: can an artificial intelligence algorithm mitigate racial economic inequality? : an analysis in the context of Airbnb
2021 |
Zhang, Shunyuan |
Targeted advertising and consumer inference
2021 |
Shin, Jiwoong |
The impact of increase in minimum wages on consumer perceptions of service : a transformer model of online restaurant reviews
2021 |
Puranam, Dinesh |
Economic impact of category captaincy : an examination of assortments and prices
2021 |
Viswanathan, Madhu |
Preference learning and demand forecast
2021 |
Cao, Xinyu |
When consumers learn, money burns : signaling quality via advertising with observational learning and word of mouth
2021 |
Joshi, Yogesh V. |
Cryptocurrency adoption with speculative price bubbles
2021 |
Wei, Yanhao |
The path to click : are you on it?
2021 |
Shi, Savannah Wei |
Scalable optimal online auctions
2021 |
Coey, Dominic |
Price salience and product choice
2021 |
Blake, Tom |
Digital piracy, creative productivity, and customer care effort : evidence from the digital publishing industry
2021 |
Li, Xiaolin |
Frontiers : moment marketing : measuring dynamics in cross-Channel ad effectiveness
2021 |
Liu, Jia |