Classical music for the posthuman condition
2013 |
Kramer, Lawrence |
The end of diegesis as we know it?
2013 |
Kassabian, Anahid |
Title sequences for contemporary television serials
2013 |
Davison, Annette |
Cut the big theme? : the sound of the superhero
2013 |
Halfyard, Janet K. |
Music video transformed
2013 |
Korsgaard, Mathias Bonde |
Implications of interactivity : what does it mean for sound to be "interactive"?
2013 |
Collins, Karen |
Sound and vision : the audio/visual economy of musical performance
2013 |
Auslander, Philip |
Foreground flatland
2013 |
Lanza, Joseph |
Video speech in latin America
2013 |
Chanan, Michael |
Notes on sound design in contemporary animated films
2013 |
Thom, Randy |
The mutating musical and "The sound of music"
2013 |
Flinn, Caryl |
Chinese rock'n'roll film and Cui Jian on screen
2013 |
Xiao, Ying |
Extending film aesthetics : audio beyond visuals
2013 |
Donnelly, Kevin J. |
The audiovisual construction of transgender identity in "Transamerica"
2013 |
Välimäki, Susanna |
Audiovisual objects, multisensory people, and the intensified ordinary in Hong Kong action films
2013 |
Kronengold, Charles |
Music video's second aesthetic?
2013 |
Vernallis, Carol |
The emancipation of music video : youtube and the cultural politics of supply and demand
2013 |
Hearsum, Paula |
Sound events : innovation in projection and installation
2013 |
Turim, Maureen Cheryn |
Multichannel gaming and the aesthetics of interactive surround
2013 |
Kerins, Mark |
Leaving something to the imagiantion : "seeing" new places through a musical lens
2013 |
Hara, Mariko |