The Silesian tradition of hymns to Czech saints
2013 |
Mráčková, Veronika |
Jesuit "melodrama" in baroque Kłodzko/ Glatz
2013 |
Jeż, Tomasz |
A week in the blacksmith's life : lutenists from Silesia and Bohemia around Count Losy von Losinthal (1650-1721)
2013 |
Joachimiak, Grzegorz |
Protestant elite milieu in the 17th-century county of Kłodzko/Glatz as exemplified by the family of the Wrocław/Breslau organist Tobias Zeutschner : gloss to the biography
2013 |
Halamska, Paulina |
Ein Schlesier aus Oppeln in Prag : Franz Ludwig Poppe (1671-1730) und seine Werke in tschechischen Sammlungen
2013 |
Pośpiech, Remigiusz |
Lutheran propers for Wrocław/Breslau : the "Cantus Choralis" (1575) of Johannes Knöfel
2013 |
Leitmeir, Christian Thomas |
Jacob Handl's compositions preserved in the Brzeg Manuscript Collection : presentation and chronological clues
2013 |
Desmet, Marc |
Transferprozesse zwischen Görlitz und Breslau am Beispiel des Meistergesangs im ausgehenden 16. Jahrhundert
2013 |
Napp, Thomas |
The role of Silesia in the development of musical culture in the towns of Spiš/Zips and Šariš/Scharosch
2013 |
Petőczová, Janka |
Early keyboard music in sources from Prague and Silesia
2013 |
Witkowska-Zaremba, Elżbieta |
Die Saganer Stimmbücher (Das Glogauer Liederbuch) und die Traditionen des polyphonen Liedes in Mitteleuropa
2013 |
Hlávková-Mráčková, Lenka |
"Nach dir, Herr Christe, thut mein hertz verlangen" : ein unbekanntes Kontrafakt zu Jacob Regnarts "Tutto lo giorno" aus der Bibliothek des Gymnasiums in Brieg
2013 |
Schmid, Bernhold |
Marcin Mielczewski (d. 1651) and Alberik Mazák (1609-1661) : a Silesian perspective
2013 |
Przybyszewska-Jarmińska, Barbara |
Bernard Artophaeus and Bohuslav Matěj Černohorský : casual examples of Czech music in baroque Silesia or the last traces of music by Minorites in Wrocław?
2013 |
Niubo, Marc |
The motif of "deafening with trumpets" in Central European passion iconography, the religious renewal movement "devotio moderna" and reform of the begging monastic orders
2013 |
Grabiec, Dominika |
Die Saganer Stimmbücher (Das Glogauer Liederbuch) : eine unbeachtete Quelle für Johannes Tourout?
2013 |
Benthem, Jaap van |
Two anonymous "Salve" settings in Warszawa, Biblioteke Uniwersytecka, RM 5892
2013 |
Kiel, Jacobijn |
Choral books from the Observant Franciscan Monastery in Wrocław from the end of the 17th century
2013 |
Šárovcová, Martina |
A new fragment of 15th-century polyphony in Silesia and the tradition of the Central-European repertory
2013 |
Gancarczyk, Paweł |
On the way from Prague to Wrocław : sacred music by early 18th-century Prague composers in Silesia
2013 |
Kapsa, Václav |