Teacher value added in a low-income country
2020 |
Bau, Natalie |
The long-run impacts of specialized programming for high-achieving students
2020 |
Cohodes, Sarah R. |
The returns to a large community college program : evidence from admissions lotteries
2020 |
Grosz, Michel |
Do human capital decisions respond to the returns to education? : evidence from DACA
2020 |
Kuka, Elira |
Where does multinational investment go with territorial taxation? : evidence from the United Kingdom
2020 |
Liu, Li |
Revisiting the effects of unemployment insurance extensions on unemployment : a measurement-error-corrected regression discontinuity approach
2020 |
Dieterle, Steven |
Take two! : SAT retaking and college enrollment gaps
2020 |
Goodman, Joshua S. |
Rethinking Detroit
2020 |
Owens, Raymond |
An equilibrium theory of retirement plan design
2020 |
Bubb, Ryan |
Criminal deterrence when there are offsetting risks : traffic cameras, vehicular accidents, and public safety
2020 |
Gallagher, Justin |
Is occupational licensing a barrier to interstate migration?
2020 |
Johnson, Janna E. |
Accelerator or brake? : cash for clunkers, household liquidity, and aggregate demand
2020 |
Green, Daniel |
Reported MPC and unobserved heterogeneity
2020 |
Jappelli, Tullio |
Optimal income taxation with present bias
2020 |
Lockwood, Ben |
The perils of high-powered incentives : evidence from Colombia's false positives
2020 |
Acemoglu, Daron |
Youth enfranchisement, political responsiveness, and education expenditure : evidence from the US
2020 |
Bertocchi, Graziella |
A passage to America : university funding and international students
2020 |
Bound, John |
Federal coal program reform, the clean power plan, and the interaction of upstream and downstream climate policies
2020 |
Gerarden, Todd D. |
Do credit market shocks affect the real economy? : quasi-experimental evidence from the Great Recession and "normal" economic times
2020 |
Greenstone, Michael |
Optimal income taxation with unemployment and wage responses : a sufficient statistics approach
2020 |
Kroft, Kory |