Global entrepreneurship and transnationalism
2007 |
Light, Ivan |
Migrant entrepreneurship from the perspective of cultural diversity
2007 |
Sahin, Mediha |
Ethnic business owners and their advisors : the effects of common ethnicity
2007 |
Dyer, Linda M. |
Business engagement of Chinese immigrants in Canada
2007 |
Li, Peter S. |
Toward a rethinking of race, culture and the African American entrepreneur
2007 |
Young, Nicholas Maurice |
Hispanic entrepreneurship in the United States
2007 |
Hoy, Frank |
Minority entrepreneurship in New York
2007 |
Krase, Jerome |
Access to finance by ethnic minority entrepreneurs in the UK
2007 |
Smallbone, David |
Turkish immigrant entrepreneurs in Finland
2007 |
Wahlbeck, Östen |
Immigrant entrepreneurs in Germany
2007 |
Kontos, Maria |
Migrant entrepreneurship in Germany
2007 |
Leung, Maggi W. H. |
Chinese entrepreneurs in Hungary
2007 |
Nyíri, Pál |
Roma entrepreneurs in Hungary
2007 |
Babusik, Ferenc |
Dalit entrepreneurs on the edges of caste and class : ethnic minority entrepreneurship in India
2007 |
Willis, David Blake |
Immigrants from the former Soviet Union as ethnic entrepreneurs in Israel
2007 |
Lerner, Miri |
Small business among Japan's Buraku people
2007 |
Tanaka, Mitsuru |
Lebanese entrepreneurs in New Zealand
2007 |
Akoorie, Micèle E. M. |
Towards a synthesis : a model of immigrant and ethnic entrepreneurship
2007 |
Dana, Léo-Paul |
Ethnic economies, social capital and the economic theory of clubs
2007 |
Galbraight, Craig S. |
Understanding the diversity of immigrant entrepreneurial strategies
2007 |
Reis Oliveira, Catarina |