Intersections of law and cooperative global climate governance - challenges in the anthropocene
2013 |
Ruppel, Oliver C. |
Climate change and human rights
2013 |
Roschmann, Christian |
Climate change and gender justice : international policy and legal responses
2013 |
Kameri-Mbote, Patricia |
The emissions trading system in the context of climate change : China's response
2013 |
Qin, Tianbao |
Climate change, human security and regional integration : the example of the Southern African development community
2013 |
Ruppel, Oliver C. |
Disappearing states : harnessing international law to preserve cultures and society
2013 |
Wannier, Gregory E. |
Climate change and liability : an overview of legal issues
2013 |
Ebert, Ina |
Climate change mitigation and adaptation : what is the role of intellectual property and traditional knowledge?
2013 |
Laltaika, Eliamani |
Whose climate, which ethics? : on the foundations of climate change law
2013 |
Hattingh, Johan |
Economic, social and cultural rights and climate change
2013 |
Pillay, Ariranga G. |
Climate change adaptation and human rights : an equitable view
2013 |
Hall, Margaux J. |
Climate, trade and investment law in the global green economy
2013 |
Gehring, Markus W. |
Two stories about EU climate change law and policy
2013 |
Ghaleigh, Navraj Singh |
Climate change challenges and the Law of the Sea responses
2013 |
Xue, Guifang |
Holding back the waves? : sea-level rise and maritime claims
2013 |
Schofield, Clive |
Some perspectives on global governance, judicial review and climate change
2013 |
Strydom, Hennie A. |
Climate change and liability : an overview of legal issues
2013 |
Appel, Ivo |
Climate engineering and international law : final exit or the end of humanity?
2013 |
Winter, Gerd |
Climate change law : objectives, instruments and structures of a new area of law
2013 |
Koch, Hans-Joachim |
Climate change and human rights : what follows for corporate human rights responsibility?
2013 |
Roos, Stefanie Ricarda |