Re-examination of the proper law
1973 |
Spiro, Erwin |
The role of the conflict of laws in calculating "dower" or family maintenance with particular reference to the practices of the canadian province of manitoba
1973 |
Thomas, Paul |
Die Nederlande auf dem Weg zum Unternehmensrecht
1973 |
Sanders, Pieter |
Materielles Recht und Verfahrensrecht in der internationalen Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit
1973 |
Coing, Helmut |
Internationales Handelsrecht und Weltfrieden : eine Bestandsaufnahme
1973 |
Fabricius, Fritz |
Two problems of the unification of the law of agency
1973 |
Eörsi, Gyula |
Uncitral and the progressive development of international trade
1973 |
Farnsworth, E. Allan |
The influence of extra-legal elements on the shaping of the principles of private international law : Schmithoff and the "permissive society"
1973 |
Langen, Eugen |
On the form of contracts and the conflict of law
1973 |
Lando, Ole |
Commission des Nations unies pour le droit commercial international projet de convention sur la prescription en matière de vente internatinale d'objets mobiliers corporels
1973 |
Nestor, Ion I. |
Multi-national companies in French law
1973 |
Tunc, André |
The autonomy of international trade law and its influence on the interpretation and application of its rules
1973 |
Jakubowski, Jerzy |
Clive M. Schmitthoff: Leben, Beruf und Werk
1973 |
Fabricius, Fritz |
Sociologiy and english private international law
1973 |
Counter, Kenneth N. S. |
Standing and justiciability
1973 |
Deshpande, V. S. |
The new law merchant reconsidered
1973 |
Goldstajn, Aleksandar |
Produktenhaftung bei Transfusions-Hepatitis im Nordamerikanischen Recht
1973 |
Bieberstein, Wolfgang Marschall von |
Liability for the international carriage of goods by sea, land and air : some comparisons
1973 |
Sassoon, David M. |
Reflexions sur la structure de la regle de conflit du droit international prive
1973 |
Trammer, Henryk |
Die kritische Wertung in der Rechtsvergleichung
1973 |
Zweigert, Konrad |