Some reflections on basic issues concerning the responsibility of international organizations
2013 |
Trindade, Antônio Augusto Cançado |
Codification, progressive development, or scholarly analysis? The art of packaging the ILC's work product
2013 |
Murphy, Sean D. |
Parallel worlds, parallel clauses : remarks on the relationship between the two sets of ILC articles on onternational responsibility and the UN Charter
2013 |
Arcari, Maurizio |
The role of lex specialis in the articles on the responsibilty of international organizations
2013 |
Boon, Kristen E. |
Contermeasures by member states against international organizations
2013 |
Vezzani, Simone |
United Nations responsibility from authorizing the use of force
2013 |
Rao, P. S. |
The processes of law-making : the law relating to international organizations as an example
2013 |
Keith, Kenneth |
Attribution of conduct after the advisory opinion on the global mechanism
2013 |
Martha, Rutsel Silvestre J. |
Exploring alternative routes : the obligation of members to enable the organization to make reparation
2013 |
Palchetti, Paolo |
Viability of the ILC's articles formulated on the basis of the articles on state responsibility
2013 |
Yamada, Chusei |
Within and beyond mutatis mutandis
2013 |
Scovazzi, Tullio |
Reflections on the scope of application of the articles on the responsibility of international organizations
2013 |
Pronto, Arnold N. |
Practice as a relevant factor for the responsibility of international organizations
2013 |
Roucounas, Emmanuel |
ILC articles on responsibility of international organizations : the interplay between the practice and the rule (a view from the United Nations)
2013 |
Shraga, Daphna |
Codification, progressive development or innovation? Some reflections on the ILC articles on the responsibility of international organizations
2013 |
Leckow, Ross B. |
The World Bank and the ILC's project on the responsibility of international organizations
2013 |
Ragazzi, Maurizio |
The responsibility of international organizations : selected reflections from the perspective of a former legal counsel to the Holy See
2013 |
Araujo, Robert John |
The elusive allocation of responsiblity to informal organizations : the case of the quartet on the Middle East
2013 |
Dugard, John |
The responsibility of international organizations and their member states
2013 |
Šturma, Pavel |
'Member responsibility' and the ILC articles on the responsibility of international organizations : some observations
2013 |
Yee, Sienho |