Scar on my heart : effects of unemployment experiences on coronary heart disease
2017 |
Ardito, Chiara |
Parental influence on female vocational intentions in the Arabian Gulf
2017 |
Rutledge, Emilie J. |
Evaluating the relationship between social exclusion and participation in the informal sector in the European Union
2017 |
Williams, Colin C. |
European labor market integration: what the experts think
2017 |
Krause-Pilatus, Annabelle |
New job matches and their stability before and during the crisis
2017 |
Nagore, Amparo |
Job separation rates of immigrants and natives in the UK during the Great Recession
2017 |
Papoutsaki, Dafni |
Exploring nurtured company resilience through human capital and human resource development : findings from Spanish manufacturing companies
2017 |
Menéndez Blanco, Juan Manuel |
Female corporate leadership in Latin America and the Caribbean region : representation and firm-level outcomes
2017 |
Flabbi, Luca |
Gender gap in upward mobility : what is the role of non-cognitive traits?
2017 |
Chu, Yu-wei Luke |
Temporary contracts, participation in decision making and job satisfaction in European workers : Is there a buffering effect?
2017 |
Goñi-Legaz, Salomé |
The relationship between work-family conflict, stress, and work attitudes
2017 |
Rabenu, Edna |
Work-life conflict of married and childless single female workers
2017 |
Kim, Hye Kyoung |
Do earnings really decline for older workers?
2017 |
Charni, Kadija |
Differences in welfare take-up between immigrants and natives : a microsimulation study
2017 |
Bruckmeier, Kerstin |
The opportunity model of organizational commitment : evidence from white-collar employees in Turkey
2017 |
Cicekli, Elif |
Education gap between second-generation migrants and natives and the role of intergenerational transmission of education : the French case
2017 |
Fleury, Nicolas |
The effects of (different types of) immigrants on labor market outcomes of (different groups of) natives
2017 |
Asali, Muhammad |
HRM practices and innovation performance : a panel-data approach
2017 |
Diaz-Fernandez, Mirta |
A neglected input to production : the role of ICT-schooled employees in firm performance
2017 |
Hagsten, Eva |
Team-member exchange, voice behavior, and creative work involvement
2017 |
Shih, Hsi-An |