Youth and entrepreneurship in culture, fashion and tourism : business development possibilities in times of crisis
2014 |
Gil-Lafuente, Jaime |
Entrepreneurial risk without return? : empirical evidence from self-employed accountants in Germany
2014 |
Rieg, Robert |
The role of social capital in family firms to explain the innovation capabilities in recession time : an empirical study
2014 |
Sanchez-Famoso, Valeriano |
Managing innovation during economic changes and crisis : "how small and mid-sized enterprises react"
2014 |
Kauf, Florian |
Innovation through total quality management elements and customer loyalty in Spanish financial institutions
2014 |
In times of economic crisis : innovation with, or without R&D activities? : an analysis of Spanish companies
2014 |
Sempere-Ripoll, Francisca |
Entrepreneurship and innovation in a context of crisis
2014 |
Peris-Ortiz, Marta |
Business start-ups and innovation : the effect of the 2008 economic crisis
2014 |
Peris-Ortiz, Marta |
Proactive management of core competencies, innovation and business performance in a period of crisis : the case of Spain
2014 |
García-Zambrano, Lidia |
Entrepreneurship and credit rationing : how to screen successful projects in this current crisis period
2014 |
Capra, C. Monica |
Technological vs. professional services and location influences on KIBS innovative capacity in times of crisis
2014 |
Ferreira, João J. M. |
Seeking a sustainable competitive advantage in periods of economic recession for SMEs and entrepreneurs : the role of value co-creation and customer trust in the service provider
2014 |
Revilla-Camacho, María-Ángeles |
Youth entrepreneurship and crisis in the health, beauty and sport sectors
2014 |
Antecedents and consequences of entrepreneurial orientation of Spanish exporting SMEs in time of crisis
2014 |
Navarro García, Antonio |
Fighting against the economic crisis : innovation in B-to-B markets through co-creation
2014 |
Preikschas, Michael W. |
Entrepreneurial orientation and innovation in a context of crisis : some relevant factors in the case of family firms
2014 |
Arzubiaga, Unai |
Profile of young entrepreneurs in Spain in times of recession
2014 |
Rueda-Armengot, Carlos |
A conceptual approach to the dilemma of R&D integration : further insights into the innovating entrepreneur's toolkit
2014 |
Rodriguez-López, Nuria |