Institutional competition in an "Ever Closer Union"
2003 |
Schön, Wolfgang |
The changing role of the state
2003 |
Harmathy, Attila |
Who will protect competition in Europe? : from central enforcement to authority networks and private litigation
2003 |
Basedow, Jürgen |
Appraisal rights in Japanese company law : can they be used as modern weapons for minority shareholders?
2003 |
Hayakawa, Masaru |
European political integration, comparative law and private enforcement of competition law
2003 |
Van Gerven, Walter |
Ambivalences in the fixing of broadcasting fees in Germany
2003 |
Lerche, Peter |
Competition as a basic element of the social market economy
2003 |
Möschel, Wernhard |
Kant and private international law
2003 |
Siehr, Kurt |
European political integration, comparative law and private enforcement of competition rules
2003 |
Wolf, Dieter |
Imposed liberty and its limits : the EC treaty as an economic constitution for the member states
2003 |
Engel, Christoph |
International economic relations in the 21st century
2003 |
Jackson, John H. |
Public services and the internal market : an analysis of the commission's communication on services of general interest in Europe
2003 |
Behrens, Peter |
Federalism and corporate litigation
2003 |
Buxbaum, Richard M. |
Monitoring directors in public companies under Israeli law : comparative perspectives
2003 |
Einhorn, Thalia |
Economic power : a productive concept for the law?
2003 |
Nörr, Knut Wolfgang |
Syndicate agreements in Hungarian company law
2003 |
Sárközy, Tamás |
The public spirit of the corporation
2003 |
Windbichler, Christine |
On the direct effect of the WTO agreements
2003 |
Ehlermann, Claus-Dieter |
Venture capital funding for biotech pharmaceutical companies in an integrated financial services market : regulatory diversity within the EC
2003 |
Haar, Brigitte |
Money, civil law and European integration
2003 |
Koch, Eckart |