Processes of monetary exchange : some historic contributions to the disappearance of money
2013 |
Menudo, José M. |
The monetary constituents of capitalism
2013 |
Tricou, Fabrice |
Beyond modern academic theory of money : from "fiat money" to "payment system"
2013 |
Cartelier, Jean |
Unit of account and means of payment : from Benetti and Cartelier to David Ricardo
2013 |
Deleplace, Ghislain |
Economics without equilibrium
2013 |
Desai, Meghnad |
A history of the evolution of the Hahn process : the role of the introduction of a means of exchange
2013 |
Perdomo, John |
Coordination in economy : an essay on money
2013 |
Ülgen, Faruk |
Can investment solve the "paradox of profit" in a monetary economy?
2013 |
Cottin-Euziol, Edouard |
Money in the socialist economy
2013 |
Bensimon, Guy |
The monetary approach by Benetti and Cartelier, and the teaching of economics : the experience in Colombia
2013 |
Cataño Molina, José Félix |
A few questions left unanswered
2013 |
Tortajada, Ramon |
Monetary objectivity and physical objectivity in Marx's reproduction model
2013 |
Money, banks, and payments : the structural factors of financial instability and systemic crises
2013 |
Rossi, Sergio |
After thirty years ...
2013 |
Benetti, Carlo |
Nominalism and money in C. Benetti and J. Cartelier
2013 |
Berthoud, Arnaud |
Monetary production economy versus real exchange economy : an appraisal of Keyne's contribution to the analysis of the actual monetary economy
2013 |
Gnos, Claude |
Fairness, financial rents, and conflict : wage-earning in a post Keynesian institutionalist approach and its macroeconomic implications
2013 |
Davanzati, Guglielmo Forges |