Product market competition with crypto tokens and smart contracts
2023 |
Chod, Jiri |
When can the market identify old news?
2023 |
Fedyk, Anastassia |
Firm-bank linkages and optimal policies after a rare disaster
2023 |
Segura, Anatoli |
When and how are rule 10b5-1 plans used for insider stock sales?
2023 |
Fich, Eliezer M. |
Insurance and portfolio decisions : two sides of the same coin?
2023 |
Armantier, Olivier |
Why is dollar debt cheaper? : evidence from Peru
2023 |
Gutierrez, Bryan |
Can the changes in fundamentals explain the attenuation of anomalies?
2023 |
Choy, Siu Kai |
Economic uncertainty and investor attention
2023 |
Andrei, Daniel |
Set it and forget it? : financing retirement in an age of defaults
2023 |
Goodman, Lucas |
Political ideology and international capital allocation
2023 |
Kempf, Elisabeth |
The colour of finance words
2023 |
García, Diego |
The negativity bias and perceived return distributions : evidence from a pandemic
2023 |
Sias, Richard W. |
Small and vulnerable : SME productivity in the great productivity slowdown
2023 |
Chen, Sophia |
Do firms with specialized M&A staff make better acquisitions?
2023 |
Gokkaya, Sinan |
Mutual fund performance at long horizons
2023 |
Bessembinder, Hendrik |
Automation and the displacement of labor by capital : asset pricing theory and empirical evidence
2023 |
Knesl, Jiří |
Refusing the best price?
2023 |
Li, Sida |
The limits of multi-dealer platforms
2023 |
Wang, Chaojun |
Temperature shocks and industry earnings news
2023 |
Addoum, Jawad M. |
Cheapest-to-deliver pricing, optimal MBS securitization, and welfare implications
2023 |
Huh, Yesol |