[Rezension von: The Oxford handbook of the Russian economy, ed. by Michael Alexeev ...]
2014 |
Pyle, William |
Russia's economic transformation
2013 |
Åslund, Anders |
The Russian natural gas sector
2013 |
Krjukov, V. A. |
Russian agriculture and transition
2013 |
Lerman, Zvi |
Regional challenges : the case of Siberia
2013 |
Thornton, Judith |
Higher education reform and access to college in Russia
2013 |
Kaganovič, Michail I. |
Modernization and the Russian economy : three hundred years of catching up
2013 |
Mau, Vladimir Aleksandrovič |
Command economy and its legacy
2013 |
Ericson, Richard Eric |
Russian corruption
2013 |
Levin, M. I. |
The Russian electricity market : variants of development
2013 |
Vasin, Aleksandr A. |
The economics of mineral resources
2013 |
Fortescue, Stephen |
Economics of the military-industrial complex
2013 |
Rosefielde, Steven |
2013 |
Brown, J. David |
Corporate governance in Russia
2013 |
Enikolopov, Ruben |
The unofficial economy in Russia
2013 |
Kim, Byung-Yeon |
The Russian oil sector
2013 |
Krjukov, V. A. |
The challenge of reforming environmental regulation in Russia
2013 |
Science, high-tech industries, and innovation
2013 |
Makarov, Valerij L. |
Blame the switchman? : Russian railways restructuring after ten years
2013 |
Pittman, Russell W. |
Russian banking as an active volcano
2013 |
Schoors, Koen |