Religious discourse and legal discourse in seventeenth-century France : the example of Bossuet
2012 |
Régent-Susini, Anne |
Secular and religious cultures in seventeenth-century France
2012 |
Phillips, Henry Albert |
Chantons l'auteur de la lumière, jusqu'au jour où son ordre a marqué notre fin : Corneille and Racine : the hymnes traduites du bréviaire romain
2012 |
Parish, Richard |
Self-annihilation, self-hatred and original sin in Pascal's Pensées
2012 |
Wetsel, David |
The science of the cross : the Jansenist doctrine of predestination and their pedagogy of conversion
2012 |
Tonneau, Oilivier |
Politeness to strangers : the mark or mask of civility?
2012 |
Mander, Jenny |
Bossuet and the tragic
2012 |
Lyons, John D. |
Having the last word : authority in Bossuet's funeral orations
2012 |
Gilby, Emma |
Pierre Bayle on reason, 'sentiment' and God
2012 |
James, Edward |
The child's voice : knowledge and inexperience in seventeenth-century France
2012 |
Hammond, Nicholas G. L. |
The gods from the machine : reconfigurating retribution in Molière's Dom Juan
2012 |
Peacock, Noël |
'Je ne me réputerai totalement mourir' : tense, death, survival in Rabelais's Pantagruel
2012 |
Kenny, Neil |
Stilts : or, a not so tall story
2012 |
O'Brien, John Maxwell |
Of lions, bears and pigs : political allegories of Homer in Renaissance France
2012 |
Ford, Philip |
Topoi of (the) Renaissance in seventeenth-century France : the ambiguity of the reference to the past
2012 |
Zobermann, Pierre |
Voltaire's little Oraisons funèbres? Catalogue and canon in the siècle de Louis XIV
2012 |
Leigh, John Paul |
Fidelity and invention : Jules Lemaître and Action française revisit La princesse de Clèves
2012 |
White, Nicholas |
Pascal : the wager and problems of order
2012 |
Moriarty, Michael |
No miracles please, we're English
2012 |
Maber, Richard |
Racine's rhetorical questions
2012 |
Hawcroft, Michael |