When an issue becomes a crisis : an investigation of pre-crisis communication through annual reports
2019 |
Hatani, Faith |
Web surfers are web spenders : finding the truth of online shopping
2019 |
Kalia, Prateek |
Non-governmental organisations as alternatives for service delivery in contemporary states
2019 |
Tshiyoyo, Michel |
Design of a model for implementing leagile manufacturing paradigm in the pump industry
2019 |
Balakrishnan, K. |
Managerial understanding and attitudes towards beyond budgeting in Ukraine
2019 |
Aksom, Herman |
Risk management in the South African local government and its impact on service delivery
2019 |
Nel, Danielle |
Progress made towards achieving Rwanda's Vision 2020 key indicators' targets
2019 |
Uwizeyimana, Dominique E. |
Generation of trust using social networking sites : a comparative analysis of online apparel brands across social media platforms
2019 |
Sharma, Radhika |
Five decades of research in healthcare pricing : future directions for academia and policymakers
2019 |
Pandey, Neeraj |
Adopting strategic management in higher education in India : need, challenges and ideas
2019 |
Sawhney, Sahil |
Blended programs for working professionals : developing a path analysis-based structural model to achieve skill development outcomes
2019 |
Kumar, Ranjan |
The role of leadership in fostering public service motivation in post-conflict states
2019 |
Nhede, Norman Tafirenyika |
Challenges and dilemmas in implementing the child support grant policy in South Africa
2019 |
Mthethwa, Richard |
Supply chain : a service delivery enhancement or an impediment
2019 |
Kanyane, Modimowabarwa |
Frictions in transmission of interest rate cuts from central bank to commercial banks in India : an enquiry
2019 |
Sinha, Manish |
What happens after consumption? : role of autobiographical memory experience, nostalgia and word of mouth behaviour
2019 |
Sivakumar, V. J. |
The demographics' effects on organisation citizenship behaviour : evidence from human service and information technology professionals
2019 |
Jaswal, Vikrant |
An empirical study of subsidiary strategies using structure-conduct-outcome framework
2019 |
Wu, Wann-Yih |
Organisational climate and team performance : the mediating role of psychological empowerment at Jordanian pharmaceutical companies
2019 |
Al-Madadha, Amro |
The mediating influence of organisational citizenship behaviour on employee job performance and staff incentive's relationship
2019 |
Rawabdeh, Mohammed |