Special issue: innovation, knowledge, judgement and decision making as virtuous cycles |
2018 |
volume 24, number 5 (2018) |
Special issue: country of origin effect : looking back and moving forward |
2018 |
volume 24, number 3 (2018) |
Special issue: turning Kurt Lewin on his head : nothing is so theoretical as a good practice |
2017 |
volume 23, number 3 (2017) |
Special issue: New knowledge impacts on designing implementable innovative realities |
-2016 |
volume 22, number 4 (June-December 2016) |
Special issue: Messages not getting through : societal marketing to the rescue |
-2016 |
volume 22, number 2, January-June 2016 |
Special issue: The new spirit of strategy for competitive management |
-2015 |
volume 21, number 4, July-December, 2015 |
Special issue: Success through innovation, reputation, and location |
2014 |
20.2014,4 |
Special issue: Marketing communication of brands and products in the new era |
2012 |
18.2012,3 |
Special issue: "Down Under" |
2010 |
16.2010,1/2 |
Special double issue on celebrity endorsements and sponsorship sports, arts and event/tourism branding and promotions |
2009 |
15.2009,1/2 |
Special double issue on public relations research and practice |
2008 |
14.2008,3/4 |
Special issue: Alternative promotional approaches and their impact on traditional advertising |
2008 |
14.2008,1/2 |