Cosmopolitans, Harlequins, or Frankensteins? : managers enacting local, global, and glocal identities
2014 |
Delmestri, Giuseppe |
Gender in times of global governance : glocalizing international norms around money and power, violence and sex in Peru
2014 |
Abu-Sharkh, Miriam |
Projecting the local into the global : trajectories of participation in transnational standard-setting
2014 |
Malets, Olga |
The changing factors of ISO 9001 adoption among Korean firms
2014 |
Hwang, Hokyu |
Subsidiary initiative-taking in multinational corporations : the role of issue-selling tactics
2014 |
Empowered actors, local settings, and global rationalization
2014 |
Meyer, John W. |
Global themes and institutional ambiguity in the university field : rankings and management models on the move
2014 |
Sahlin-Andersson, Kerstin |
Storytelling : a managerial tool and its local translations
2014 |
Czarniawska, Barbara |
"Re-localization" as micro-mobilization of consent and legitimacy
2014 |
Meyer, Renate E. |
Competition regulation in Africa between global and local : a Banyan tree story
2014 |
Salles-Djelic, Marie-Laure |
Boomerang diffusion at a global bank : total quality management and national culture
2014 |
Strang, David |
Rhetorical variations in the cross-national diffusion of management practices : a comparison of Turkey and the US
2014 |
Özen, Şükrü |
Words fly quicker than actions : the globalization of diversity discourse
2014 |
Barbosa, Iris |
New public management and beyond : the hybridization of public sector reforms
2014 |
Christensen, Tom |
Adoption and abandonment : global diffusion and local variation in university top management teams
2014 |
Logue, Danielle |
Decoding localization : a comparison of two transnational life insurance firms in China
2014 |
Chan, Cheris Shun-ching |
From historical roots to hybrid identities : the transformation challenge of French Grandes Ecoles de Commerce
2014 |
Kodeih, Farah |
Managing illicit flows : the formation of global anti-money laundering regulations
2014 |
Jakobi, Anja P. |
Cosmopolitanism and banal localism : the domestication of global trends in Finnish cities
2014 |
Alasuutari, Pertti |
The glocalization of academic business studies
2014 |
Engwall, Lars |