Presuppositions in the evaluation of rules
2013 |
Buchanan, James M. |
Economics governance in the European Union : a problem of legitimacy
2013 |
Cabrillo, Francisco |
Reforms and decentralization : friends or foes?
2013 |
Salmon, Pierre |
On Machiavelli's conspiracy paradoxes
2013 |
Holler, Manfred J. |
A general measure of the 'effective' number of parties in a political system
2013 |
Borooah, Vani K. |
Higher education as private good and as quasi public good : the case of Italy
2013 |
Fedeli, Silvia |
The actual role of government intervention for the recovery of the Italian economy
2013 |
Romagnoli, Gian Cesare |
A theory of conversion to exclusive religious and political faiths
2013 |
Ferrero, Mario |
Government bankruptcy of Balkan nations and the consequences for money and inflation before 1914 : a comparative analysis
2013 |
Bernholz, Peter |
Regulator preferences and lobbying efforts in rent-seeking contests
2013 |
Montoro Pons, Juan de Dios |
Voluntary provision of public goods
2013 |
Puchades-Navarro, Miguel A. |
Early Spanish liberalism and constitutional political economy : the Cádiz constitution of 1812
2013 |
Congleton, Roger D. |
Cooperation in multilateral PDs : self-selected vs pre-defined groups
2013 |
Vanberg, Viktor |
Awards play an important role
2013 |
Frey, Bruno S. |
Buchanan, Hobbes and contractarianism : the supply of rules?
2013 |
Brennan, Geoffrey |
Democracy-preserving institutions : the quasi-federal system of South Africa
2013 |
Brosio, Giorgio |
Party competition and electoral turnout : downs's calculus in a multiparty system
2013 |
Helin, Juha |
The political economy of Dutch disease : a survey
2013 |
Paldam, Martin |
The optimal Babel : an economic framework for the analysis of dynamic language rights
2013 |
Wickström, Bengt-Arne |